Friday, August 27, 2010

My Weebly

Despite the odd name, is just another site which allows you to create a website. It provides templates and other alternatives and is VERY user friendly as even I can create a masterpiece which looks professional. Above is a screen capture of my website, created with the help of weebly :)

In my weebly, I have discussed websites in an educational context.

"Through engaging with this course over the past 7 weeks, it has become apparent that technological tools which I though to have no place in the classroom, actually add to and enhance the learning experience, websites being one of these. I have also been made aware of things that I had no idea about and will use in future teaching implications. Although a consideration to be aware of for all these techological tools is child safety. Learning Managers must scaffold learning and instruction to deal with this aspect of the use of ICTs in educational contexts."

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