Thursday, August 26, 2010

Concept Mapping

When experimenting with this tool, I made links instantly with what we do on an everyday basis within the classroom environment. This then allowed me to discover the program ‘kidspriation’ which was included with the Interactive White Board (thoroughly helpful tool to have in the classroom) but the teacher did not have the confidence to try out. The timid teacher now loves this program and I have used it in a number of learning experience plans already! Below is an example of a concept map, defining what is required to Task 2 in hopes it will help me organise my thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. I like the points and discoveries you have made when using a concept map. I believe that using a concept map allows students to become more organised throughout the process of their unit and in the case you delivered, to break up the assessment item into pieces. This allows students to gain an understanding of the unit/task. I think its cool that allows you to save your concept map and return to it when you need to add or remove certain information. It is amazing how much a concept map can change when progressing through a unit of work.
    :) Ornella
