Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Learning Style

The result from the Multilpe Intelligences online questionare regarding my learning style shows that I learn best visually, socially and aurally. Although I am slightly confused about the difference between aural and verbal learning?

We do not generally decode how we learn, although it has helped me to analyse and become aware of how I best learn and to adjust accordingly.

This quiz has brought to my attention that I do in fact prefer to have things explained aurally to me, to converse and discuss as a group as well has have a visual representation and documentation of this learning for future reference.

It also reinforces that every learner is different and learns in a different way. As a future Learning Manager it is essential to incorporate a variety of learning experiences which will target each and every learner in order to achieve intented learning outcomes.

Interactive technology I feel is a vital component of this, as it targets a number of different styles and facilitates learning in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shona,
    From reading your blog I see you do not understand what the difference between aural and verbal is. As far as I was aware they are the same thing, do you think they are different? Anyway I am also a visual and social learner and some learning techniques that i feel help me process information better are:
    - using pictures, colours, maps etc benefit me most when trying to organise and communicate information.
    - I learn effectively in groups or through one on one time with my teacher.
    These are just some tips that i thought may help you as they are associated with visual and social learning styles.
    Warm regards, Bridget :)
