Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Learning Style

The result from the Multilpe Intelligences online questionare regarding my learning style shows that I learn best visually, socially and aurally. Although I am slightly confused about the difference between aural and verbal learning?

We do not generally decode how we learn, although it has helped me to analyse and become aware of how I best learn and to adjust accordingly.

This quiz has brought to my attention that I do in fact prefer to have things explained aurally to me, to converse and discuss as a group as well has have a visual representation and documentation of this learning for future reference.

It also reinforces that every learner is different and learns in a different way. As a future Learning Manager it is essential to incorporate a variety of learning experiences which will target each and every learner in order to achieve intented learning outcomes.

Interactive technology I feel is a vital component of this, as it targets a number of different styles and facilitates learning in the classroom.


Hello fellow travellers of the World Wide Web. This is my first ever post on my first ever blog and I'm sure that my competence and knowledge will increase with each one. Generally my internet usage is filled up with stalking on the procrastinating enhancing social networking site, Facebook. And of course, engaging with courses on Moodle.

In a classroom environment, it is essential to understand the importance of managing continuing learning with interactive technologies. This blog will document my thoughts, learning and development as I explore the various digital technologies or tools, while engaging with the course 'Managing E-Learning'.